Frank Coffey is the author of the humor books "The Complete Idoit's Guide for Dumies" (Ten Speed Press), "The All Time Baseball Teams Book" (St. Martin's Press), "The Wit and Wisdom of George Steinbrenner (New American Library)," and "The Anti-Everybody Joke Book" (PaperJacks). As an editor, packager and author he has over 200 books on his resume, including four novels; has written for television and film, and been a book, newspaper and magazine editor. His name, Frank Downs Coffey, isn't technically a sentence but close enough.
Winners wisdom: “We have lawsuits in 81 states right now.” – Lara Trump, RNC Co-chair.
Wisdom delayed: From a perspective juror in one of the Trump trials: “I wouldn’t believe Trump if his tongue was notarized.” (She was excused.)
Donald Trump has reportedly refused to file a Missing Person’s Search Report with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for his current wife Melania Knauss Trump. “Awkward,” said an aide.
Marketing Serendipity: Trump Winery has hired Rudy Giuliani to promote their new limited reserve Pinot Aggrievio.
An investigation by the American Internet Research Firm failed to find any nude photos of Marjorie Taylor Greene. “There is a god,” an AIRF researcher told eTruePolitics.
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