Washington (eTruePolitics) – “We just love the Rewards program and the fresh-smelling towels,” said T-Mobile US CEO John Legere in his first comments after The Washington Post revealed the company suddenly spent $195,000 at President Donald Trump’s Washington hotel while lobbying the government to approve the mega-merger of T-Mobile with Sprint.

Prior to the merger proposal in the previous year T-Mobile execs had spent only two nights at Trump International. In the ten months following the proposed merger 52 nights at the Trump hotel were booked by the company. Including nine visits the day after the merger was announced.

“Coincidences happen all the time,” Legere told skeptical reporters.

“Curry favor?” scoffed Legere. “Bullcrap. Curry sucks and Trump International has the best burgers in town, which I love a lot!

“And since when is lining Trump’s pockets considered a bribe? Doesn’t the president have to eat?”


Photo illustration by Ray Dougela