Washington (eTruePolitics) – At the order of billionaire owner Todd Ricketts, the World Champion Chicago Cubs will make an “unofficial” visit The White House on Wednesday.  Ricketts, who, during a legal dispute with Cubs’ ticket holders, threatened to move the Cubs from iconic Wrigley Field is the son of billionaire conservative Joe Ricketts, a Ted Cruz supporter, who vigorously supports Trumpcare, the pending Republican plan to eliminate medical insurance coverage for over 22 million poor Americans.

The Cubs are in Washington to play the Nationals this afternoon with rumors abounding that current president Donald Trump, after his request to throw out the first ball at today’s game, will demand to play centerfield and bat cleanup for World Champion Cubs.

“I’ll probably get railed on for this,” said outspoken Cubs pitcher John Lackey, “but Trump’s too fat and too old to play centerfield. “

“Well, he could get injured,” said Ricketts, “but the Cubs have a wonderful Obamacare medical plan and we’ll make sure the president , should he get hurt, will the have the best medical care possible. At a great price!”


Photo illustration by Ray Dougela